Troubleshoot errors in the import log


You can access the import error log via one of two ways.

  • Using a District Safety Team account.
    1. Log into 
    2. Choose District Settings > Import Data for District.
    3. Choose the latest log file.
  • If you have SFTP access to the top-level folder for your district, look under the "/logs" folder. The folder includes a file per day for the last seven days.



You can access the import error log via one of two ways.

  • Using a Organization Communication Team account.
    1. Log into 
    2. Choose Organization Settings > Import Data.
    3. Choose the latest log file.
  • If you have SFTP access to the top-level folder for your district, look under the "/logs" folder. The folder includes a file per day for the last seven days.


See below for help on specific errors.


If you run the import multiple times in the same day, check the time of the error message so you are looking at the latest import only. All times are in UTC. 



185: SchoolCode does not exist in database.

  • If the school code should be included in CatapultEMS, reach out to support and indicate whether it needs to be merged with an existing site or added as a new site.

  • If the school code isn't needed, exclude it on your end or ask CatapultEMS to exclude it on their end (to clean up the error log).

218: StudentExport.csv is missing. / StaffExport.csv is missing. / StaffToStudentExport.csv is missing.

The file listed is missing.

  • Check the files are loading to the correct folder.
  • Check the spelling of the file name.
  • If your contract does not include students, then you can ignore the StudentExport.csv error.

219: StudentExport.csv/StaffExport.csv/StaffToStudentExport.csv is empty or does not contain enough rows of data.

  • Check whether the file contains data (beyond headers).
  • Check that the headers are spelled correctly.
  • If classes are not in session, you can ignore the StaffToStudentExport.csv being empty.

433: Invalid Email provided for staff member.

  • "Invalid Email" can mean blank or no "@" sign. Email required for login.
  • If your district uses Aeries, see "Email" under the Staff heading for details on where that pull from.

599: Staff to student period import error, staff member or student unknown or not in database.

  • Check if the student mentioned in StaffToStudentExport.csv is in the StudentExport.csv
    • Check that you only included the current semester/term in your StaffToStudentExport.csv
    • Check that you excluded inactive students from your StaffToStudentExport.csv
  • Check if the staff mentioned in StaffToStudentExport.csv is in the StaffExport.csv
    • Check that you exclude inactive staff from your StaffToStudentExport.csv
  • Check if the same line appears twice in the StaffToStudentExport.csv. If so, remove the duplicates.
  • Check the relevant column names are labeled correctly. 
    • StudentExport: the student id column should be labeled "id".
    • StaffExport: the staff id column should be labeled "id".
    • StaffToStudentExport: the staff id column should be labeled "teacher" and the student id column should be labeled "student".


We can send you a completion email after the import runs each night. If you'd like to receive these emails, contact your Customer Success Manager.