Initiate and Resolve Reunification

Reunification - a process that allows parents to pick up their students in a formalized, controlled release - may be required after an Action Alert is resolved.

Reunification is available per site, and can be initiated from the District Command Center or Site Dashboard.

Initiate Reunification

  1. Log into using a Safety Team account.
  2. Choose Reunification.
  3. Choose Initiate Reunification.
  4. Under Who is overseeing the reunification event?, select the appropriate team(s). 
    1. District Reunification Team Members
    2. Site Reunification Team Members
  5. Under Why are you reunifying students with parents/guardians?, fill in your responses. This information will be communicated to all stakeholders.
    1. Why are we reunifying?
    2. What should parents/guardians bring with them?
    3. How long do we anticipate this will take?
  6. Choose Next.
  7. If initiating from the district level, select the site(s) that will be reunifying.
    Note: Reunification cannot be initiated at any sites with an open Caution Alert or Action Alert.
  8. Choose Next.
  9. If initiating from the district level, choose Onsite or Offsite.
    1. If Onsite:
      1. Choose your Reunification Type.
      2. Choose Next.
    2. If Offsite:
      1. Choose your Reunification Location or add a Custom Location.
        Note: Latitude, Longitude, and Reunification Maps are not required.
      2. Choose Next.
  10. If initiating at the site level, choose Onsite.
    Note: At some districts, sites are given the option of Onsite or Offsite Reunification.
    1. If Onsite:
      1. Choose your Reunification Type.
      2. Choose Next.
  11. For each school site, fill in the details under Where are your Reunification Zones?
    1. Guardian Check-in Zone
    2. Student Holding Zone
    3. Are you using runners to escort students to a holding zone?
    4. Student/Guardian Reunification Zone
  12. Choose Next.
  13. Enter your Emergency Wi-Fi & Additional Comments. If you have already provided these, the fields will automatically populate but can be edited if needed. (See Reunification Default Communication & Notifications for more information.)
  14. Choose Initiate Reunification.

Resolve Reunification

  1. Choose Resolve Reunification (green button at bottom).
  2. Fill in the resolution details.
  3. Choose Resolve Reunification.