Manage Substitutes

Substitute teachers can work at many sites for limited periods of time. To facilitate this movement, create the substitute user at the district level and then assign them (or have school sites claim them) for a specific date range.

In CatapultEMS, Substitutes only receive alerts for their assigned sites. Unassigned substitutes do not receive alerts and cannot log in.




Assign a substitute

Using a District Safety Team account

  1. Sign in to using a District Safety Team account.
  2. From the District Dashboard, choose Manage District Users (top right side of page).Manage District Users
  3. Choose the Substitutes tab.DST Subs Tab
  4. Choose Manage Assignments next to the substitute.DST Manage Assignments
  5. Add a Start Date and End Date for a site/school.DST Sub Assignments
  6. Choose Save (bottom).

Using a Site Safety Team account

  1. Sign in to using a Site Safety Team account.
  2. From the Site Dashboard, choose Manage Site Users (top right side of page).

SST Manage Site Users

 3. Choose the Substitutes tab.SST Site User Mgmt

 4. Choose Activate next to the substitute.SST Activate
 5. Add a Start Date and End Date.SST Start Date End Date
 6. Choose Save.


Add a new substitute to your district

  1. Sign in to using a District Safety Team account.
  2. From the District Dashboard, choose Manage District Users (top right side of page).Manage District Users
  3. Choose Add New User (green, top right) or choose Edit next to an existing user.District User Management
  4. Fill in the user details (see User Details for instructions).District Add User
  5. At the bottom of the page, choose Substitute.
    User Settings-Substitute
  6. Choose Save.


Note: Substitutes cannot sign into with their username and password unless they are currently working at a site (i.e. assigned to a site in EMS).

Change an existing user to a substitute

If your substitutes imported as Staff or Other Staff, you can change their access to Substitute using the following method:

  1. Sign in to using a District Safety Team account.
  2. Find the existing user. Usually the easiest way is to go to Manage District Users and paste the email into the search box.
    Manage District Users
  3. Edit the user.DST Edit District Substitute User
  4. If you do not want them affected by imports, change them to Manual (top of the page).DST Manual User
  5. Choose the blue Upgrade to District Safety Team.Upgrade to DST
  6. Under Access Level, choose Substitute.
    Sub Access Level
  7. Choose Save.

Training for substitutes

Substitutes can take the same training as your staff. For training options, please see Online Training Course (EMS).