Can I Embed a ParentSquare Feed into my website?

Embed your ParentSquare Feed

This is currently a free feature from ParentSquare and just needs to be enabled!
Steps to find and enable your ParentSquare embed
  1. You need to request a district feature from Parent Square support.
  2. Once they give you access you can use the embed code
    1. It will need to be enabled for each school. You can find this in the features and add on section. The code will be in the website widgets. Once enabled you can do custom CSS and add borders etc! 
  3. You will need to enable it globally and then enable it for each website before the code is available. 

How it works

  1. It pulls from your posts, not your messages or alerts.
  2. If you go into an individual posts you can see "share on website" in the settings. 
  3. It will ask you, "is this information ok to share with the public?"
  4. Once you are done with a post because you can use that customization for each post. Enable Comments etc. In the settings for EACH post. Someone would manage this individually.